
How to Fine-Tune your Personal Style Signature

Personal Style

Are the clothes in your closet reflective of your personal style? If your answer to this question is “I don’t know,” that is not surprising. Because according to Closetmaid, the typical woman’s wardrobe in the US contains one hundred and three articles of clothing. However, only ten percent of the one hundred and three pieces are being worn, resulting in wasted money, space, and the environment. Read the rest of the post and learn how to fine-tune your personal style signature.

Your Personal Style Signature

Everyone has a personal style signature, even if they don’t think they do. If what you wear day in and day out consists primarily of sweats, jeans, and fitness shoes, that is your personal style signature! However, if you follow my blog, I will work hard to help you fine-tune your personal style signature!

Not sure what your style signature is; take the style quiz; it’s fun and easy to do!

This post would be longer if I listed all the possible fashion styles. Therefore, to keep the post from getting too long. I have selected five common fashion styles, and I have elaborated on each of them below. Everybody has an opinion, and the descriptions below are my take on 4 of the most common fashion styles I see styling women in the fitting room. I don’t believe our personal style is restricted to only one of the four styles. I believe it is possible to be a combination of one or more. For instance, I think my style crosses Classy & sophisticated and Modern & Trendy!

Which of the Fashion Styles Below Best Describes your Personal Style?

2. How to Identify your Personal Style Signature

1. Classy & Elegant

Your closet is streamlined with timeless, quality pieces. Your personal style is known for your sophisticated, classy look! For example, classic blazers, cardigan sweaters, collared button-up shirts, classic trouser pants, and dark denim are staples in your closet. Black dresses are sleek and sophisticated, and you have at least one in your closet! You are not a fan of trends; you prefer tailored pieces in neutral colors.

2. Creative & Individualistic

Fashion is a creative outlet that allows you to express your individualistic style! You don’t dance to the tunes of the fashion gods and are free to do your own thing. You are neither for nor against trends; instead, your creative style can be trendsetting! Your Creative, individualistic style is bold, bright, and sometimes messy!

3. Modern & Trendy

The Modern & Trendy dresser is not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and keeps their eyes on the latest fashion trends. Your personal style is modern & trendy, and you embrace new trends frequently. Because fashion trends tend to come and go, moderation is essential for the modern & trendy shopper!

4. Casual & Unpretentious; how to fine-tune your personal style

You have a casual, easy-going style and prefer comfort over fashion! Attractive, easy-to-wear casual outfits work well for your active lifestyle. You love the laid-back style of fashion jogger, legging, or nice-fitting fitness pants paired with comfortable tanks or tees. Your personal style is low-key and neutral with minimal accessories.

The cartoon photo below reminds me of a closet edit from the What Not To Wear Show! The What Not To Wear Show was a must-watch if you love fashion and clothes. I loved how Stacy and Clinton broke down the example outfits with detailed explanations for each of them. I told my husband I was willing to dumb down my wardrobe for a spot on the show and the 5000-dollar gift!

Does your closet need an edit?

3. The Closet Edit; Fine-Tune your Personal Style

The third step is to root out your fashion habits with a closet edit using a style litmus. If you watched the What Not to Wear show, you would understand the significance of the closet edit. It is essentially a step because it forces you to clear away the clothes that don’t pass the litmus test.

Litmus Test for a Versatile Closet of Clothes

Create a style litmus based on your style signature and body shape. Secondarily measure each piece against the style litmus for exclusion or inclusion in your closet.

  • Does the piece work for your body shape, proportions, and color palette?
  • Ask yourself, what purpose does this piece serve in my closet? You probably don’t need it if you can’t answer the question quickly.
  • Scout your closet for the number of ways you can pair this with other items in your closet. If you can’t find anything to complete an outfit, it belongs in the “orphan” pile.
  • Is this item a “fashion trend” and still in style? As a general rule, Incorporate fashion trends cautiously because they come and go!
  • Ask a friend to check your choices.
  • Do you have the right shoes, accessories, or outerwear to complete this outfit?

Fine-Tune Your Personal Style Signature

4. Replenish your Closet with New Duds

Before replenishing your closet with new duds, ensure you don’t put the same styles back in your closet! Working with clients, I understand that it is our nature to gravitate towards our favorite colors and styles no matter how hard we try to do otherwise! Therefore, we may need a gentle shove in a new style direction, and the personal stylist can assist! Check your favorite lady’s retailer for personal style services or book with MyPetiteStyle and create a versatile closet of clothes that suits your shape, coloring, and lifestyle!

Personal Style Portfolios

The fourth and final step is to use your MyPetiteStyle Style Portfolio as a shopping blueprint. Your portfolio identifies specific styles suited to your body shape, proportions, and color palette.

Dressing for your body shape is a general theme in this blog because I believe it impacts the fit and looks of the outfit. Not dressing for your shape is the most prominent reason women end up with so many clothes! Until you understand the finer points of dressing for your shape, it won’t be easy to fine-tune your style!

Check out my Body Shape & Proportion Discovery Page for an easy-to-use guide, or schedule a consultation with me, and we can chat about shape!

Thanks for following MyPetiteStyle! Please post your comments, questions, or suggestions on this post!

Namaste, Beth


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  1. Three Summer Fashion Trends and How to Wear Them says:

    […] How to Fine-Tune Your Personal Style Signature […]

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