
How to Build a Comfortable & Stylish Wardrobe

How to Build a Comfortable & Stylish WardrobeFeatures - style board for the Oval body shape

I recently completed a style guide and board with an emphasis on how to build a comfortable and stylish wardrobe for Jacklin. Jacklin recently accepted a new position and wanted to polish up her style. She will be working remotely and wanted business casual outfits that were comfortable and stylish. The first step in building Jacklin’s wardrobe was to determine her body shape.

Understanding How to Dress for your Body Shape is Key

Working as a fitting room stylist, I find that many women do not know their body shape or dress for your shape. Understanding your body shape is the key to building a stylish and comfortable wardrobe and should be the first step in a style consultation. Once you understand why body shape matters and know your shape, dressing and shopping become easier. I work with customers to help them understand the best styles for their shape.

Characteristics of the Oval Silhouette

This is a slideshow including a series of png files each containing a different outfit.  Text descriptions of the outfits and style characteristics are included.
Characteristics of the Oval body Shape

How to Build a Comfortable & Stylish Wardrobe

The style board was designed to highlight the best styles for Jacklin’s shape; pants, tops, dresses/skirts, and jackets/sweaters. Jacklin received a Style Guide and shoppable board as part of her FREE style session!

  • outfit #6 - How to Build a Comfortable & Stylish Wardrobe
  • outit #5 - stylish & comfortable
  • outfit #4 -Build a Comfortable & Stylish Wardrobe
  • outfit #3 comfort & style
  • Outfit #2 -  Build a Comfortable & Stylish Wardrobe
  • outfit #1 - style & comfort

Hire a Personal Stylist to do Your Shopping

Is your closet stuffed full of clothes that you aren’t wearing? The personal style business has ballooned, and many good choices are available for in-store and virtual styling services. When hiring a Personal Stylist, keep in mind that the styling services offered by large department stores like Nordstrom may be free, but the salespeople work off commission. This stuff isn’t rocket science, and you shouldn’t need to pay an arm and a leg for it!

Each style session is unique to the needs of each woman. In this style session, the focus was on how to create a comfortable and stylish wardrobe.

What’s your body shape?

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